Sunday, June 14, 2009

Berry Fashions is BACK!!

Hey, loves!! Ms. Lane, here, bringing back the long awaited Berry Fashions column!! Only the best, as usual!

I want to start out by refreshing your memory about a piece I did on Colorware. It was the slightly pricy option for color customization of your Berry. Well, if you are feeling bold enough, you can do the installation yourself with nothing but $59.99! How?? Well, the seller legendzonetrade has a large inventory of colored housing for BlackBerry devices and it is actually very impressive. It looks just like a Colorware job, only a lot more recession friendly!! The housing includes everything but the trackball! To purchase, or check out his inventory, click here!

If you want to move on from the traditional trackball, you can also swap it out. I did a review on my site about colored trackballs and my readers LOVED it. Several purchased them and I have heard nothing but good things. The E-Bay seller is giantpurpledog and his or her inventory is delightfully colorful and highly fashionable! They also come in at a very recession friendly $13.99!! Interested?? Check it out by clicking here!

Once again with the not so humble swag, I gotta hit you up with something shiny!! From the E-Bay seller Samsuniquestore, I bring you yet another crystal studded vision of flyness! There are a lot of different designs in their inventory, but I am going to give you pics of one that is so my swag and one that is a live shot from one of my fave sites for themes, Once again, if you're interested, click here!

*Pic courtesy of Nancy Drew*

Okay, guys, it's time to wrap it up!! First, I want to thank all the people who helped contribute to this article. Shout outs to legendzonetrade, giantpurpledog, Samsuniquestore and Nancy Drew!! If you purchase anything, tell them I sent you and send me pics!

Until next time, stay on top of your fashion game!

- Lola

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