Thursday, September 20, 2012

Book of The Week: Tiffany Aliche's "The One Week Budget"

While other budgetary guides are laden with hard to decipher industry jargon, "The One Week Budget" isn't terminology heavy at all. This manual on how to put together a plan for fiscal stability promotes financial literacy in a way that is both concise and capable by utilizing direct language. Author Tiffany Aliche's (aka The Budgetnista) goal is to present the information in a way that her readers can not only understand but relate to ... and she accomplishes that.

Practical tips throughout the chapters suggest real ways to implement the strategies outlined and the book staves off monotony by being infused with personality. 

By sharing tidbits about her personal life and experiences (even the not so frugal ones) Aliche reiterates the message that no one is perfect and reliable goals should be set in order to avoid complete derailment of one's financial plan. 

Author Tiffany Aliche
She takes into consideration the little setbacks that happen to even the most disciplined of us and strives to get her readers not to be mindful of saving but rather to do it as an unconscious activity. Without a doubt the most valuable portion is the comprehensive explanation of how credit scores are determined, something not known or understood by many of those that are in debt. 

This quick and easy read is a must for everyone!  From the person who is tweeting #teamiphone but doesn't have a checking account to the student taking out loans without a clear comprehension of revolving credit.

If you are interested in reading "The One Week Budget", physical copies can be purchased here. If you're more of a tech savvy reader, then the kindle version can be purchased here. It's even priced conveniently for the budget conscious reader.

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